Monday, July 28, 2008

My Recent Absense

I don't think I spelled "absense" right in my title =/. Anyhow, that's not very important right now. What's important is that I need to shake off this guilty feeling I'm carrying right now because I have not been blogging nearly as much as I should be. Trust me, this is not for lack of ideas (if only, I have way too many things I need to talk about, which is why I feel so guilty). Actually I probably wouldn't have posted this at all, except, I was just over reading Slightly Cracked, which is an amazing blog written by the mom of one of my very close friends, and I saw that my blog was mentioned! I didn't know that anyone other than myself actually would be reading it, so I was a bit shocked to be completely honest. And since she recommended it, I immediatly felt bad for neglecting my blog. So here I am, trying to un-neglect it. =)

Anyway, now time for my "dog-ate-my-homework" or in this case "computer" excuse. The fact is that since returning to the USA, I have been swamped with so many other things (like spending time with long-lost friends, and trying to get registered for school) that I really have had no time to blog. However, from now on I'm to be trying to post daily (-ish) since right now I have about 5 stories that need to be written. So hopefully you'll be seeing much more of me soon.

1 comment:

Lucy Filet said...

Yeah, get on it! You don't have anything else to do... you're not like BUSY or anything:).

We wish you were here too. We miss you!