Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Turns Signals Have a Purpose

Now, if you've ever driven in Poland, you tend to notice two things: one, the roads are horrible; two, the drivers are generally ok, but then there will always be a few that just make everything so much harder. But since I don't drive (yet) this never really affected me. And since I'll only be driving in the States (and I figured American drivers would be better) I figured I wouldn't really need to worry much about crazy drivers on the roads.

Ha! I may not drive but my dad does, and I've noticed that he is becoming increasingly frustrated with people who don't use thier turn signals! Of course I know he would never use profanity in front of us kids, I have a feeling that he may swear a bit more generously on his way to work when he gives up his chance to move because he wasn't aware that that guy was going to turn anyways.

Given, these drivers aren't generally pushy and all over the road, but I have a feeling that the many un-used turn signals going around are giving my father a few extra grey hairs. Plus now my brother (who just got his license) and I are constantly being ridiculed on "You need to always use your turn signals! Even if there is no one on the road, use you're turn signals!" and so on and so forth. So please, for my dad's own happyness, use your turn signals people. Thank You. =)


Lucy Filet said...

I wonder if this is a DC area phenomenon, or rampant through the country.

Anyway, I laughed through this post. I can totally imagine your dad getting frustrated by the lack of turn signals. I can even hear him talking:).

Dawn said...

I love your blog. You are very funny and have a great perspective. I'm Kylie in Warsaw's sis-in-law, P's Aunt.